
Royalty Free Vocal Songs

Find tracks with vocal recordings of all styles.

In Freeaudiolibrary you can find all the library music you want and among them, Royalty Free vocal songs. In addition, our music library is very wide and easy to access so you can find all the music you want and you can use it for any of your projects, both on and off the Internet, in a legal, easy and safe way.

Vocal songs consist of a male or female voice without the need to be accompanied by an instrument. Many vocal songs even include a mix of male and female voices. The phonation organs of men and women are very similar in structure and function, only differing in size, making it easier for them to be combined harmoniously.

In our Copyright Free music library you will find a wide range of Royalty Free vocal songs. Songs of various styles such as Pop music, Rock music or Hip Hop music with both male and female voices. As for the singing, it is usually performed in a group of musicians consisting of a choir or a band of instrumentalists. Singers may perform as soloists or may be accompanied by an instrument or an orchestra.

Singing was included in religious practices from the earliest times of Christianity in the 6th century. During the 12th and 13th centuries, profane singing became widespread as the oldest folk singers of the Germanic peoples, the Scandinavian scalds, became known.

However, singing can be performed formally, informally, arranged or even improvised. It can also be performed as a form of worship, as a pastime, a ritual, for musical education or around some profession.

At Freeaudiolibrary we have a library of Copyright Free vocal songs that you can use whenever you want in your music for videos, music for documentaries, Youtube or TV spots. If you register you will be able to download the free music you need, easily, without any kind of waiting, you will only have to pay once for the Royalty Free music you select, and you can use it as many times as you want.

Don't miss our wide range of Royalty Free vocal songs that can be listened to on any occasion, whether for entertainment or as a musical setting.

Vocal Song

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