

World Music Royalty Free

The Music Around the world

Find music from all over the world for your audiovisual projects inspired by other parts of the world. Music without copyright from African, Asian, Arab or Celtic. With these musical themes you can experiment and merge various cultures and ethnicities to accompany adventure videos, nature documentaries or television travel programs. Our online library of royalty-free music does not involve any hidden payment of royalties to management entities, nor complicated licenses of use. You will never have to worry about copyright protection issues or complicated licensing terms. All the music of Freeaudiolibrary is made by musicians who do not belong to any management entity, so it is free of copyright, and therefore, management entities can not charge their fee.

If you can not find the music you are looking for, contact us and we will help you find it. In freeaudiolibrary you will find the music you need for your documentaries. In the search engine we have divided World's music into several sections. World Africa, Arab World, Celtic World, World Asia and Popular / Folk.

In them there are more than 3,000 royalty free music for your documentary videos. Music without copyright, music without copyright, music without copyright, music without copyright, music without copyright, music without royalty, free music, royalty free music, music without copyright, relaxation music, songs without copyright , music for videos, search music, background music for videos, chill out music, classical music, ambient music, download music, download music, free music, download free songs, free music, download free effects all in freeaudiolibrary and free of copyright. Ambient music, music without copyright, music for videos, music of relaxation, electronic music, pop music, rock music, free music of copyright, music funds, new age music, corporate music, music for documentaries, music for soundtracks, in freeaudiolibrary all without copyright.


There are 994 songs.

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